Sunday, November 07, 2004

Preparing for my first NYC gig

Alright, now this could be good.
A couple weekends ago I had an audition (see 10/24 post). Well, I heard back from Larry Oakes, and I made the cut for the New York Singer/Songwriter Sessions. On December 19, at 7:45 at the Bitter End, I will be performing a 15-minute set.
15 minutes isn't much. But you have to start somewhere. And the more people I can get to come to this event, the more likelihood there will be for a repeat performance and exposure to a wider audience.
I've been thinking about how I will promote this thing and what I would like to have with me on the night of the performance. First, items to have with me (and these will require some prep):

-> a sellable demo - or EP - of more recently written and recorded songs. At this point I believe even a "homemade" looking product is better than no product.
-> an email list clipboard
- > business cards or fliers with my website address

Now, as for publicity...
One to my housemates
One to my email list that includes Grand Rapids contacts
One directed just to NY-based contacts

-> When playing at Caffe Vivaldi and other open mikes, announce the gig and (closer to the time of the event) have fliers with me to pass to people so they don't have to write down the details (because they probably won't).

-> Tell my supervisors and co-workers at work and also post a flier up on the bulletin board near the break room. Talk it up a lot about a week and a half in advance (being still subtle enough not to risk causing annoyance!).

-> Tell fellowship group (if I'm in one by then).

This is just a start. More brainstorming to come.


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