Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Spring. Midwest. Tour. 2006.

All right!!

I may be jumping the gun a bit with my enthusiasm, but I have some serious plans for this tour thing. It starts now. My best tool, besides having the CD, is a list of Student Activities directors at nearly 3000 colleges across the country, and all of their contact info. I paid a pretty penny for this list at, but I already feel like it was worth it.

I have no timeline yet; just a list of things to be done, in sequential order.

#1. Pick the schools I want to target- where do I feel I have the chance and the means to play? My criteria include:

that the school be in WI, MN, IA, IL, IN, MI, OH, PA, or NY;
that it has a good working piano and sounds system;
that, if lacking a piano, it at least has a good sound system into which I can plug my keyboard; that it is in a town where I could stay with a friend, family member or acquaintance.

#2. Make calls to the contacts at the desired schools to give them the heads up for an impending mailing and try to "talk up" the music/the performance that I could offer. (SB would be great help here)

#3. Assemble and send out press kits containing the following:

-a copy of the CD
-the bio/press release
-a quote/press page, with quotes that not only tell what I do but how I do it, and how it would be a good act for a college crowd
-a great cover letter, tailored to each individual receiving the kit.

#4. Make second round of calls to the contacts to see that they received the press kits and if they have any questions - try to get them to offer some possible gig dates. Get booked!

#5. Try to get booked for dates that make sense logistically/geographically.

#6. Once gigs are in place, confirm lodging and car rental/borrow.

#7. Send publicity posters/launch mini-publicity campaigns leading up to each show (a subject unto itself).

#8. Rock and roll.

Okay, so my list deteriorated into the abstract there near the end, but one thing at a time. Obviously, there is a lot of work to be done.

over and out


Blogger Morgan said...

That sounds like a fantastic plan. Rock!!

6:42 AM  

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