Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big Bucket O' News

So, hi,

I've been a pure deliquent in the ol' bloggersphere these days. Last entry October 2007? Today is April 17 2008? FAIL. Nice try. Everyone can see you are a punk face.

Okay, self-verbal-lashing, check... now for the goods. It was over 1 1/2 years ago that I had my first meeting with PD. He gave me some good advice; pointed me in a good direction. At his guiding I paid better attention to my vocals and improved upon them. I listened to live recordings and made notes on the things I could do better. I built up my relationship with the Sidewalk and got myself a residency there. Baby steps, yeah.

Now since October, some more stepping stones:
-In two sessions, one in October and a follow-up in January, recorded 8 songs in a simple but excellently miced and recorded piano-vocal demo (thank you DB, TD, and AAC!)
-Have been introduced through PD to several industry movers and shakers, who have subsequently been introduced by PD to my rough mixes from aforementioned recording sessions
-Am getting professionally mixed and mastered said recordings and releasing them publicy as an EP as well as using them for an industry demo.
-Continue to play about one gig per month and have as of November started getting booked at The Living Room on a semi-regular basis.
-Continue to write new songs/keep the variety
-Have temporarily revamped and am using a new webhost so that when a full redesign is logistically/financially feasible, it will ALSO be easily uploadable.

So that's it for now; I hope to have more to say in another month or less. On the move!

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