Well, big news item #1 reads above. After months of talk, I started to walk in the form of 17 hand-addressed promotional flyers to various midwestern schools, aiming for fall show dates.
Sent: This Morning.
Ironically, I also just took a salaried position at the company I've been temping at for the last year. It interesting how motivating this has been for my music pursuits. Now I have the addition of financial stability (and health insurance) in my life. I can afford to by recording equipment, and maybe even pay someone to rehaul my website. The catch is that I can no longer take time off (unpaid time, but time nevertheless) whenever I want. I have ten days of vacation time. TEN DAYS. Paid vacation - sure, that's great!! But will my bosses allow me to take unpaid days from time to time, if needed? How does that work when you're no longer paid by the hour?
And if anyone is concerned for me that I've abandoned my mild, God-fearing version of a bohemian lifestyle for the coporate fast track - fear not. First, to be sure, it's not fast. Second, I haven't embraced it, nor will I. Taking a 9-5er was as much about music goals as it is about stability. Some of you know that the corporation where I work may also provide me with some musical boosts, in the form of friendships with co-workers and special employee events. heh. Just call me a future Fergie of the Black-Eyed Peas. No, no, please don't. Just kidding.
Having a steady reliable job really does inspire the rest of your life. I've learned that in the last year, and now things are really moving forward with my band too, mainly because I not only have the money to make that happen, but I just have the inspiration too. But it's when you're working and working and giving up the music when it gets bad. So don't let it get there. You get 10 days of vacation?!! And you just got the job? That's a bunch of crap, I've been working for over a year and I only get 10 vacation days for both years. I'm not complaining, though, because I do get to work from home two days a week.
All of this is really awesome! I hope the replies from the mailings start piling up for you. And I agree with Morg--it's likely the good will well outweigh the bad of having this definite job and this elusive health insurance thing. Hooray!
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