Thursday, September 30, 2004

Wise advice... hone in on a topic

The temptation with this blog may not be to spill my secrets, I'm now realizing (I have a paper journal for that), but rather perhaps to overextend myself and try to talk about too many things, get off on too many tangents. Why am I writing though, really? Besides or beyond my own personal outlet? I could always type away on Word documents that no one ever saw, so why am I writing in a public domain? I need to provide something useful, and I'd like it too be something more than a way for some web-surfing acquaintances to satisfy their free-floating curiousity. Now, I'm not knocking blogs that a) provide their writers with an outlet of expression and b) provide readers with some curiousity satisfied. I like the idea that we humans are curious sometimes about even the mundane aspects of other human's lives. It's a testament to our basic need to connect. BUT, that said....
I possess the dangerous tendency to wax on about things I like or do not like. I have a tendency towards wistfulness. I border on obsessivesness about some things, because I analyze them so much to myself and to others that I start to see them as extensions of me.... okay, maybe it's not quite as bad as I'm making it sound. But if I don't place some parameters on this deal, it could get to be a big, mess of stream-of-consciousness stewing-in-my-own-juices about this or that or whatever is heavy on my mind a particular day, to the point of obsession or narcissism. And it will be annoying to read. let's not have that, shall we?
okay, I'll do my best. I still haven't told anyone about this site. but now I'm picking a topic, a specific topic, that will be my focus. now I have a reason that you may want to send a couple minutes in front of this webpage occasionally, to glean something that could be of interest or value to you:
I am going to record the experience of trying to pursue a career as a singer-songwriter.
Now, before you stop reading: I promise, I'll try to make it interesting, even when there are boring days and I'll have to do a little spin on them in order to make them more readable.
And my tendencies to stew and get off on tangents are bound to show up here and there in the narrative. But starting now, this blogger has a purpose. thanks for reading, nonexistent-as-of-yet-Readers. love, sep10ber

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I didn't know...

i didn't really know how easy it was to create one's own blog. I didn't realize it was easy AND free until my friend abitdistractedtnl set one up just a few minutes ago right across the room from me, and she didn't even have to leave the room. it was that simple. So now I find I'm writing... adding to the sea of often useless and often entertaining information floating out there in cyberspace.
I didn't ever PURSUE maintaining my own blogsite because I always figured I would slip up and end up writing about things too personal, overexposing my soul, etc, and I tried doing a "journal" once on my business website and ended up doing just that. i took the entry down a day later. The difference with this is that my first and last names do not make up the bulk of the URL, as is the case with my business site.
It may be an interesting exercise just to see how MUCH I can reveal in my blog without really revealing anything at all. An exercise in exhibitionistic restraint that simultaneously satisfies my slightly exhibitionistic tendencies. Hmm. Good night for now.