Thursday, January 26, 2006


I joined TAXI today, '"the world's largest A & R company."

Gig tonight - I'm a little stuffed up ('nother cold), but at least I got the Neah Bay song finished.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Minorly Less Unmotivated!

Thanks to those of you who posted encouragement after my last entry. I did indeed send out the kits I needed to - and by kit I mean, CDs with business cards attached. Well, it's better than nothing!... ah, hyeh. (imagine minnesotan accent just there.)

I've got a gig this week and my focus lies with 2) finishing my newest song (inspired by a rainy place) b) polishing a Ben Folds cover c) possibly writing a new song in the next two days, also to be performed at the show. Next month I'm playing in GR, which will be a nice, how you say, *homecoming*, perhaps? moo-ha-ha. Man, I'm losing the formal edge here. But I have to be honest. I'm still no closer to a college tour than I was a month ago. At least I know what I need to do, and am being held electronically accountable by the four people who read this. Thanks, guys.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


...tivation. I haven't written in a while and it's not that I'm oh-so-busy, it's more that I am having a lot of trouble getting around to simple music-related tasks. It feels to me lately like studying for a test that my final grade depends on. I know I need to do it. I know I'll feel better when I do and it will help me reach my goals. But I'm finding I would rather clean my room first than assemble a press kit and send it off in the mail. Argh! Okay, I am going to go assemble a press kit now. Finally.