Good Soul Medicine; Or, An Elixir for the Spirit
The weekend... I can't remember the last time I anticipated a weekend with this much excitement. Strangely, it is not a stressful week that has put me in this frame of mind; it's a unmotivated, uneventful one. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and I need to be refreshed. So JP and I were describing a weekend in such an instance as being the above.
College tour booking is SO SLOW. Nothing booked yet. Granted, there are perhaps two leads I need to follow up on now... but it's discouraging for instance, to send out an entire press kit to a school that personally requested your material, only to receive zero response from them. I'm starting to think about other avenues, other regions besides the midwest to which to market... like, hellooo, the pacific northwest perhaps? Could combine doing a few gigs with visiting a newly born niece or nephew, in say November. ahhh, that would be so awesome. Okay, so now I need to find that motivation and work ethic that I lost under the couch or somewhere.
On the bright side, I have two nice gigs coming up, one in May at the Waltz-Astoria and one in June at good old Bitter End. Prep and promotion for these is certainly more than enough to keep me busy, but if I let college booking slide there will be even less change of making it happen once the gigs have past.
FYI, I posted Neah Bay on myspace. Speaking of the pacific northwest...
Happy weekend to all! Love, Sep10ber