An Album for Various Sets of Ears
Currently listening to: Upcoming CD...
Trying to finalize a song order. I had thought the order was set, and that we were ready to go, but then my publicist/advisor/fellow dreamer-schemer SB told me that the first song should not be first. From a business standpoint - for the ears of people with lots of connections and resources and very little free time - I needed something more ear-catching, so that in 15 seconds of listening I might make an impression that would gain me another 15 seconds, and so on.
I had not been thinking of the CD from that perspective. Here I thought, by releasing this album, I was going the indie route once and for all. But I suppose, when it all comes down, to get an agent, a manager, a record deal, or any combination of these things, would be desirable, if through these avenues I didn't have to think all the time about the business aspect of music and was given the freedom and resources to go to town on the creative aspects. yay! Wouldn't that be cool.
Anyway, after some individual listening and discussion, I think we are VERY close to the final song order. It's like putting together a puzzle that can be assembled many different ways - perhaps two of which are optimally appealing and satisfying. I don't know how I feel about that puzzle illustration just now. Speaking of unsatisfying...
In other news, the cover has been finalized. Ooo, I can't wait. I won't describe it because it's good to keep some things a surprise. Thanks to those friends who helped me make the decision. Joe is working on the rest of the package design now, and I'll get to review it next week.
I still need to figure out what I will do for a photo, where I'll get it taken, or if I'll even have one. I have some nice publicity photos from a year back and also a few months ago. It's a shame I didn't really do much with them. At the times of those shoots I didn't have a specific purpose in mind besides this gnawing anxious knowledge that "Publicity" is just something you need to succeed, and pictures are a step towards that. They are a record as well - I mean, I guess at least I will never forget what I looked like in July of 2004.
Now I have a collection of songs and a CD cover that evokes a certain mood, and the photo should match the mood.